Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Squares 5 & 6: Girls

I actually wanted this square to read "little girls" but I didn't have room.  Little girls are such a blessing in so many ways.  I'm sure if I had boys I'd feel the same way about them, but since we've only been blessed with girls, that's where my experience lies.

We are fast approaching the "tween" years with my oldest daughter, and I find myself increasingly nostalgic for the days when she was a little girl -- for tea parties with her stuffed animals, lullabies sung to dolls, endless princess dress-up sessions.  Oh, if I could go back and just spend one day with her 4-year old self!

I'll end it there, before this post turns into a boo-hoo fest, but suffice it to say that I am endlessly grateful for my two little girls.


  1. I like that way of depicting children -- I wondered how I would do that if I ever did this project.

    I have all boys, and though I love the young men they're becoming, there are times I really miss them as little boys.

  2. You are so far ahead! So many blocks already!
    Your blocks are beautiful...so delicate...
    Great inspiration!
    alicia in Hawaii

  3. I love your squares, so beautiful! This one especially is just so sweet and appropriate for little girls.

  4. I know EXACTLY how you feel.. My little girl is in her last year of college, going for her Masters degree! Hard to believe, but I'm SO-ooo proud of her!... Love this beautiful square! ~tina
